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Appletree Press | Future Projects | The Story of Belfast and its Surroundings

The Story of Belfast and its Surroundings

Published: September 2009

ISBN-13: 978 1 84758 147 1

Author: Mary Lowry

228 x 152mm/ 192pp/

The Story of Belfast and its Surroundings

This facsimile edition of The Story of Belfast describes the port's history and its surroundings through centuries of development, culminating in a 20th-century city of international renown.

The book (originally published in 1913) captures the enthusiasm and industry of the early 20th century, giving the modern reader much to think about. Contemporary Irish landscape and history is also discussed.

As the author wrote in 1913:

"The calm serenity of life long ago must have had a pleasant side, for they had time to live then, and time to enjoy living in a way we cannot do now."

[ Appletree Press | Future Projects | Catalogue]